Having not previously blogged before, a few days ago saw me publish my first attempt, and just like buses you wait an eternity for one and two come along in rapid succession! In this one I wanted to share a little of our experience of working with Learn Smarta, the business educational arm of Transmit with whom we were able to secure our initial Start-Up funding.
After completing a Business Fundamentals course with the expert and entertaining support of Tracey and Colin from Learn Smarta we were recently approached to see if we would be a case study for how we have been helped and supported throughout our Start-Up experience. Naturally we agreed, why wouldn't we, they have been brilliant during our business journey, what possible downside could there be? Apart from Gill and I having to appear on camera? With a film crew? That downside.
Neither Gill nor I particularly like the idea of being filmed or doing the whole interview thing. Not that we don't get that it could be useful and important to our business growth in the future, we would love to be talking about the success of Strong Point in the national media, it's just that despite being enthusiastic about talking to customers and potential customers about it, neither of us are very keen on being in front of a camera! Hopefully this may eventually be something we get accustomed to and improve upon.
So back to the Case Study. We had a day where Laura from Learn Smarta and her crew filmed us talking about Strong Point, about how it came to be and about how Learn Smarta had supported us along the way. This was followed up by a photo shoot with Nicky (helped brilliantly by her son, his friend and Gill's mum, Sheila), all of which is part of our Case Study.
The video element of the day is still in production, but the feature on the Smarta website is up now, so click below to read more and feel free to share the story yourselves!
Thanks, see you again soon!
Si :)